Beneficial Companion Planting: Veggie Garden

Wanna remain organic but the pests and diseases got you wanting to drown your garden in bleach?

I understand your pain. One of the main reasons for growing my own food is to avoid all the harmful chemicals and pesticide that are commonly found on our produce. However, pest and diseases are a common issue when growing a veggie garden. There are a few things i found that help to reduce these issues such as a homemade organic spray, the timing for planting, using clean sterile equipment when planting, making sure your plants are in the proper conditions ex: Don’t wet your tomato plant leaves when watering and so on. One method that’s not only easy and effective but also adds beauty and a bit more flavor to the garden is companion planting.

Companion planting is the practice of planting different crops in proximity to benefit one another in various ways, such as pest control, maximizing garden space, or improving crop flavor/soil. There are many differnt veggies that grow well together however there are specific flowers and herbs i grow alongside my veggies to help deter/ confuse pests.

Companion planting in a vegetable garden offers several benefits:

  • Natural Pest Control: Some plant combinations can help repel pests or attract beneficial insects that prey on harmful pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

  • Improved Pollination: Certain companion plants attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, aiding in the pollination of vegetable crops for better yields.

  • Weed Suppression: Planting certain crops together can help to smother weeds, reducing the need for manual weeding or herbicides.

  • Optimized Use of Space: Pairing plants with different root depths or growth habits can maximize the use of space and sunlight in the garden.

  • Enhanced Nutrient Uptake: Some plants have symbiotic relationships that improve the nutrient uptake of neighboring plants, leading to healthier and more productive vegetables.

  • Disease Prevention: Certain companion plants release compounds that suppress soil-borne diseases, protecting vulnerable vegetable crops.

My favorites herbs and flowers for companion planting:

French Marigold: Marigolds deter pests in the garden through the release of a natural pesticide from their roots. This pesticide repels harmful insects such as nematodes, whiteflies, and aphids, thus protecting neighboring plants. Additionally, the strong scent of marigolds confuses pests, making it difficult for them to locate their preferred host plants. By interplanting marigolds with vegetables or other susceptible plants, gardeners can take advantage of this natural pest control method to help maintain a healthy garden ecosystem.

Alyssum: Alyssum plants are known for their strong scent, which deters many pests from invading a vegetable garden. The sweet fragrance produced by alyssum acts as a natural repellent for various insects, including aphids, spider mites, and cabbage worms. By interplanting alyssum with vegetables, the scent confuses and repels pests, reducing the likelihood of infestations. This companion planting technique not only helps protect the vegetables but also adds beauty to the garden with the alyssum's delicate flowers.

Basil: Basil provides numerous benefits when planted alongside tomatoes. Not only does it act as a natural pest repellent, helping to ward off insects that commonly affect tomato plants, but it also enhances the flavor of tomatoes when used together in culinary dishes. Additionally, basil attracts pollinators that can help increase tomato yields through improved pollination. This companion planting strategy is valued by many gardeners for its ability to create a mutually beneficial relationship between these two popular garden plants.

Rosemary: Rosemary is known to help deter carrot rust flies in a vegetable garden. This pest can cause damage to root vegetables like carrots, parsnips, and parsley by laying eggs near the plants. The strong scent of rosemary is effective in repelling these flies, making it a beneficial companion plant for a vegetable garden.

Mint: Mint is known to help deter pests such as ants, aphids, cabbage moths, and rodents LIKE RATS in a vegetable garden. The strong scent of mint can act as a natural repellent, making it a useful companion plant to protect vegetables from these common pests. DO-NOT PLANT MINT IN THE SAME CONTAINER AS ANYTHING ELSE! Mint will take over! It needs to be planted in a controlled space by itself.


I like to plant basil with tomatoes: It always makes my tomatoe plants healthier and last longer not to mention bail goes well with tomatoes so it makes for easy harvest

I pant mint near the exits and entrances to the garden to deter rodents.

I plant rosemary near any root crops

For all the others i sprinkle in all over the garden in various crops


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